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Olive Oil Sun Protection

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 20, 2011 | 1:06 AM

Japanese scientists found that applying Extra Virgin Olive Oil as an after-sun lotion slows tumor growth in mice as reported in New Scientist Magazine.

Olive oil sun protection is a misleading phrase. Olive oil doesn't protect against skin damage caused by the sun, but it does go to work repairing damaged skin and protecting against skin cancer.

Ultra violet rays as well as cigarette smoke, pollution and alcohol create free radicals that cause damage to our cells. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenols are abundant in olive oil and known to clean up or neutralize those free radicals.

Masamitsu and his colleagues from Kobe University School of Medicine gave hairless mice three UV sessions per week. Five minutes after each session, they applied either regular or extra virgin olive oil to the skin of the mice.

After 18 weeks, the mice that had no oil or regular olive oil were growing skin tumors. But, the mice that were treated with extra virgin olive oil took six more weeks to show any signs of tumors - the tumors were smaller, less frequent and there was less DNA damage to the skin cells.

I don't believe there is such a thing as a safe sunscreen. I learned from the folks at that there are companies out there that make sunscreens and call them organic, but they contain synthetic chemicals.

But what about natural sun blocking minerals like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, aren't they safe?

The truth is both chemical sunscreens and physical sun blocks like zinc oxide create free radicals when exposed to sunlight. Those free radicals are what cause skin cancer. You did read that right. The sunscreens themselves cause free radicals when exposed to sunlight. So, you may as well have taken your chances with the sun itself causing that same damage.

According to their research, Terressentials concluded that sunscreen give us a false sense of security. They may prevent sunburns, but they do little or nothing to prevent skin cancer or aging of the skin caused by sunlight.

There is substantial evidence that there is an increase in cancer when sunscreen products are used.

You can't and shouldn't stay out of the sun at all times. We need some direct sunlight for our bodies to produce vitamin D. It is impossible to get enough vitamin D from food sources. Sunscreens block the rays that our skin needs to produce vitamin D and there has been a substantial rise in diseases related to its deficiency. The worst time to be out in the sun is between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, so....

- Plan your outdoor activities for morning, late afternoon or evening.

- When you are in the sun during those hours, cover up with some light, loose clothing or stay in the shade as much as possible.

- Use olive oil and shea butter to feed your skin and keep those free radicals under control.
1:06 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Why use olive oil for skin care?

What you put on your body ends up in your body. That's why I use olive oil for skin care. I've been reading forums and websites to gain a better understanding of what people are looking for in their skin care products and I've made a surprising discovery. The focus is almost always on what is in the product while little attention is given to what isn't in the product.

In my opinion, what isn't on my skin is just as important as what is.

Would you continue using creams, lotions, massage oils, toners, cleansers, masks, etc knowing that some contain chemicals that are known carcinogens? Many contain chemicals that haven't even been tested and are not regulated.

#1 reason I use olive oil skin care is what's not in it. It starts with the extraction process. Olive oil differs from other oils because it is extracted from a fruit, not a grain or seed. That in itself may not seem like such a big deal, but it is. Virgin and extra virgin olive oils are made by mechanical extraction only. Some are filtered to eliminate little bits of olive left, but the best in my opinion, are not. That's it. Just fruit juice! If you would like to learn more about the different processes used to extract the oil, visit the Olive Oil Extraction Processes Page

Seed and grain oils are more difficult to extract and require the use of heat and chemicals. The oil is then put through a filtering process and by the time it's bottled, well...there really isn't much left of the beneficial nutrients and compounds.

#2 reason I use olive oil skin care because of what is in it. Olive oil is full of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and natural compounds that benefit our bodies inside and out. Some that are especially good for our skin are:

Antioxidants - Olive oil is rich in antioxidants including vitamins A and E, polyphenols, phytosterols and avenasterol. They work to neutralize free radicals and repair cell membranes. A free radical is an unstable molecule created by exposure to things like cigarette smoke, pollution, alcohol and radiation.

Squalene - A natural organic compound used in cosmetics as a moisturizer. It is taken from the liver of sharks, but also found in olive oil - a more environmentally friendly source. Squalene helps to regulate sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebacious glands in our skin and is secreted through our pores. It forms a coating on the skin that acts as a barrier, inhibits the growth of micro-organisms and lubricates our skin and hair.

Chlorophyll - A photosynthetic pigment found in plants and algae. It is an anti-aging substance that promotes the healing of skin conditions and wounds.

Learn more about the nutrients in olive oil and their benefits on the Olive Oil Nutrients Page

#3 reason I use olive oil skin care - It's cheap! I know, that doesn't sound right. Olive oil is not known as a cheap alternative to other oils for culinary uses, but it is when compared to other skin care products. I don't use gourmet, unfiltered special olive oils at $35.00 for 500 mls, but I do use a grocery store extra virgin. The amount of money people are willing to part with for beauty products is staggering. Age defying, wrinkle reducing, skin firming, acne fighting, blemish diminishing, along with re-hydrating, moisturizing, exfoliating, cleansing, and the list goes on and on. Most of which are packed full of synthetic chemicals, colours, artificial fragrances etc. etc. I've found that plain old extra virgin olive oil and a few other basic natural ingredients are all I need for my skin care.

This little movie is a favourite of mine. It's a simple, but informative explanation of the toxic problems in the cosmetic industry.
1:05 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Variety Use Olive Oil for Beauty

Written By Unknown on Thursday, March 10, 2011 | 6:04 AM

Olive oil has been used since centuries ago to the needs of consumption, also for the beauty of women. Keefektivitasannya been tested through time and space boundaries. Want to try these natural oils for your beauty? Here are things you can do olive oil to your beauty.

Shaving cream substitute
Run out of shaving cream? Do not worry, just use olive oil. The oil will soften the hairs are coarse and provide smoother shaving performance. Pssst, if your husband has sensitive skin so afraid to shave, try to give olive oil as a substitute for shaving cream and see the usefulness.

Smooth the cuticle
Fancy having your nails stronger, free from cuticle, while gentle hands? Dip your finger nails in warm olive oil. The oil will make the cuticle to soften, as well as strengthen brittle nails. Then apply the oil on the hands before going to bed, then wrap with cotton gloves, leave overnight.

Moisturize dry skin
Lembapkan dry areas on your body by rubbing olive oil on certain points. Apply just enough to dry the body parts, such as skin dry lips, dry skin legs, or in any body part you want lembapkan. Olive oil can also be used to smooth the skin while bathing. Mix the olive oil with essential oils, like lavender to be more comfortable and fragrant.

Cleaning the rest of makeup
Olive oil is also able to remove the residual makeup attached to the skin. Pat the cotton that has been dipped in olive oil on your face makeup with a cleanser like clean milk. Can also be used to clean the rest of mascara.

Soften coarse hair
Rinse the hair with olive oil, then wrap in a towel, let stand for 30 minutes. For damaged hair due to improper maintenance, combine ½ cup olive oil with an egg that has been whipped, then pour into your hair, wrap with plastic hair cover, leave for 30-45 minutes. Do this treatment once a week and then give a pause after the show changes better.
6:04 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Storing Olive Oil

Olive oil is known for the properties they contain. Well as additional time to prepare food, as well as for everyday purposes. However, please note, the efficacy and shape easily damaged when the oil is exposed to direct light, air, and heat.

When buying olive oil at the supermarket, take a bottle which is located at the rear. Bottle up the rear tend to be shielded from the store lights. For storage at home, keep bottles of olive oil in a dark closet, cool, and not frequently opened and closed. Or, if you rarely use it, can also be stored in the refrigerator. Do not near the stove. If you buy olive oil in glass bottle, wrap it in aluminum foil to prevent exposure to light olive oil or direct heat.
6:03 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Rich Olive Oil Benefits

Famous food from the plains of the Mediterranean is a material that is often associated with health. However, olive oil has many functions and benefits for various purposes. Although relatively expensive and rarely available in the market, at least you now know that olive oil not only be used for health, but also beauty and other household needs. So, when you save the olive oil, you already know that you are investing for many things. Here are some benefits of olive oil.

1. Healthy skin (against cancer)
Substance-owned olive oil, linoleic acid, is a substance that can keep the water evaporates. Thus, this substance is very good for use as a skin moisturizer. By Leslie Baumann, MD, author of The Skin Type Solution, eating fruit and olive oil can provide a healthy skin, the same when worn as a smear. Put olive oil into warm bath water for extra health. Baumann adds, that olive oil also contains at least 4 different antioxidants. This means that help neutralize free radicals that cause aging of the skin and skin cancer.

2. Unravel the tangled hair
To overcome the tangled and damaged hair, apply olive oil on the comb, then sisirkan on dry hair or drift, especially in cold or humid air. Michael de Jong, author of Clean Body recommends to apply the hair with olive oil, wrap with a shower cap at least 3 minutes, then wash as usual. This will help provide moisture to the hair very dry.

3. Help relieve throat cat
To clean the body, the cat licking its body parts. Not infrequently, there is a strand of hair off and stuck in his throat. To remove hairs that clot in his throat (hairball), cats should be coughing and mendehem. To reduce the difficulty, add one tablespoon of olive oil into his food. In addition to preventing hairball, it also helped him get a hair more shiny and healthy.

4. Reduce snoring
Swig of olive oil before bed can provide lubrication to the throat muscles, which are believed to reduce snoring. Included also reduce the itching in the throat.

5. Polishing furniture and iron (including leather)
Tableware of silver, bronze and other metals can be polished with ketchup or toothpaste. To prevent the former, rust, and stains, rub olive oil on materials earlier. The trick, mix the olive oil and lemon juice with a ratio of 2:1. Dip a soft cloth into the mixture, clean the furniture from dust, then rub fabric earlier. Can also be used on the wooden table. As for skin products, apply a thin layer of olive oil, let stand for 30 minutes, then wipe with a cloth.

6. Free up hard zippers
Sometimes there are types of zippers that hardens making it difficult to open. To act unilaterally again, olive oil drops directly on the zipper, then slowly pull back resletingnya.

7. Smooth door menderik
Olive oil can be efficacious as a lubricant in many ways. For the door hinges creaked mute, olive oil drops. You may prefer WD-40 for these things. However, the basic ingredients WD-40 is a hydrocarbon, so, every time we reduce the use of these substances, we further maintain for a cleaner earth.
6:01 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Assessing the Health of Disposal

REMEMBER wise words, you are what you eat. The food was then processed in the digestive tract, giving energy and supply the nutritional needs of our everyday. Food residue is then removed through the anus in the form of feces or feces.

It's quite healthy is our feces? Stool is a good barometer of health in a person. Let us value our health by observing the results of our waste water daily.

1. Is stool that floats?
a. Floats (1 point)
b. Sink (2 points)

2. How hard feces that?
a. Like toothpaste (1 point)
b. Hardware (2 points)

3. How much does it weigh?
a. Above 200 grams (1 point)
b. Below 200 grams (2 points)

4. How often do you defecate in a day?
a. Once (1 point)
b. No routine every day (2 points)

5. What color?
a. Yellow (1 point)
b. Dark brown (2 points)

6. Does the smell?
a. Not too much (1 point)
b. Very bad (2 points)

7. How is its shape?
a. Such as gravel (2 points)
b. Like pasta (1 point)
c. Such as bananas (1 point)
d. Very hard (2 points)
e. Liquid (2 points)
f. Like the mud (2 points)

How healthy are you?
If your score:
7-9: Congratulations! You are quite healthy.
10-12: Be careful, watch what you consume daily. Expand foods that contain fiber.
> 13: If this condition continues, you should consult a doctor so that this problem be addressed immediately.
6:00 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Olive Oil Prevent Stomach Disease

Olive oil or olive oil has long been known health benefits. A recent study in the U.S. adds another proof that olive oil provides significant benefits for the body, especially for health pencernaahan ..

As revealed at Digestive Disease Week conference in New Orleans recently, experts in the UK indicates that increased consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of suffering from ulcerative colitis or diseases caused by inflammation of the colon.

Some researchers from the School of Medicine, University of East Anglia UK, following the development of more than 25,000 people, aged 40-65 years, between 1993 and 1997.

No one participant was suffering from colitis in early research. Until 2002, there were 22 participants that inflammatory disease. The researchers compared the diet of all people with those who did not have the disease and found that those who consume very much "oleic acid" face the possibility of 90 percent less likely to develop chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

Oleic acid 'is the omega-9 unsaturated single-contained on a variety of sources and animal and vegetable. The researchers concluded, those who ate foods containing "oleic acid" are less likely develop colitis.
5:59 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Olive Oil Vs Canola, Healthy Which

We'll often hear the canola oil and olive oil is referenced as well. But, if both have different functions?

According Riani Susanto, ND, CT, naturopathy doctor from the clinic Harmony Zone, if you want to talk about where oil is best, we should start by finding the difference of both. First, it must be understood first-type common type of fat contained in the oil.

All oils contain 3 types of fat (fat) with different levels. First is the saturated fat or saturated oils. This oil, according to Riani, many found in the cheese, butter, butter, eggs, meat, coconut, peanuts, cottonseed, and grain palem.Ada also monounsaturated fat or monounsaturated oils and polyunsaturated fat or polyunsaturated oils.

And canola oil (oleic rapeseed), added Riani, contains 60 percent monounsaturated fat, 34 percent polyunsaturated fats, and 6 percent saturated fat. Olive oil contains 82 percent monounsaturated fat, 12 percent polyunsaturated fats, and 6 percent saturated fat.

Riani also suggested that we select the oil with the label "Unrefined", "Fresh", or "Cold Pressed Oil polyunsaturated. " Examples of the oil is mixed with cold pressed olive oil. Cold pressed oils should not be heated because the later will damage the healthy benefits. For the purposes of cooking (not fried), use of oil by the labels "Unrefined Monounsaturated", for example coconut oil.
5:58 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger